The 10 Best Health Food Franchises

The green economy extends to healthy eating. Which are the best health food franchises for an entrepreneur to buy today?

Golden Opportunities in The Green Economy

The COVID-19 pandemic in the United States has made people more conscious about their health, and the personal choices they make. Buy the right franchise, and you could find yourself with healthy profits from people’s desire to be healthier.

One of the big growth areas is healthy eating. Obesity in the U.S. has rocketed in the last two decades, from 30.5% in 1999 to 42.4% in 2018 (CDC NCHS data). Eating a healthier diet is good for your body and reduces risks of disease and infection (such as COVID-19). It’s not a fad – it’s a life choice. Could you build a successful business in a health food franchise?

Best health food franchises – a business opportunity for all

People must eat. Food is one of the non-discretionary items that sell whatever the economy. Health food stores used to be niche. Now, they are mainstream and, if you want a business in the food sector, there are health food store opportunities for all tastes:

  • Do you want to serve in-house diners? Buy a health food restaurant franchise

  • Do you want to sell take-out meals? Invest in a healthy food fast food restaurant

  • Do you want to serve people cooking at home? Search for organic grocery store franchises

There are hundreds of opportunities to explore in the health food sector. Here, I’ve picked a few to demonstrate the options open to you.

10 of the best health food franchise in the United States

From health food store franchise opportunities, through organic grocery store franchises, to the health food bar franchise serving people on the go, here are some of the best franchises to buy for health food entrepreneurs.

  1. LOVJuice

LOVjucie stands for ‘living organic vegetable juice’. Founded in 2013 by Cheri, who lost her first husband to obesity. As a franchisee of this juice bar concept, you’ll be offered full support to develop your business in an exclusive territory of around 100,000 population.

  1. Dream Dinners Inc.

Are you looking for a health food franchise but with a twist? Dream Dinners could be perfect for you. Creators of the meal assembly concept will provide all that your customers need to serve a healthy meal for their families at home without the planning and prep. First established in 2002, this is a rapidly growing brand with a great reputation.

  1. Souper Salad

As a health food restaurant franchise, Souper Salad is among the best. You’ll need to invest a minimum of 20% of the total cost of the project in personal equity, in either a single restaurant franchise or a market-level franchise. You’ll also need to have some experience as a restaurant operator or owner.

  1. Healthier4U

Vending machines are big business, so why not buy a health food vending franchise? As a franchisee with Healtheir4U, you will receive full training, ongoing support, and installation of machines that accept a range of payments, including credit and debit cards and Apple Pay.

  1. Richard’s Foodporium

The health food store franchise. Opportunities that started as niche grocery stores, but are now big business. Established in 1979, Richard’s Foodporium enables qualified franchisees to benefit from its proven systems, excellent training, and support that helps to minimize the risks of business ownership.

  1. The Green District

A restaurant where salads are the main dish, and not an afterthought. The founders started the business in Louisville, and are expanding through the franchise model. Franchisees in The Green District will benefit from a 50,000-population center or 5-mile radius. You’ll receive a huge package of support, including refresher training.

  1. Nutrishop

Now for something a little different. Nutrishop – stores designed to help people achieve health and fitness goals. These stores provide consumers a consultative approach, offering dietary and nutritional supplements. If you are passionate about health and fitness, with a head for business, as a Nutrishop franchisee you will join a family of more than 200 locations.

  1. UFood Grill

Burgers, grilled cheese, and chipotle chicken. Not health food? Think again. Welcome to UFood Grill, a fast-food restaurant with a difference. It serves food people love cooking more healthily. Baked and never fried, dishes are under 700 calories. As a franchisee, you will get full-on support, from site selection through ongoing marketing and operational support.

  1. Locali

A healthy fast-food store, Locali offers grab-and-go soups, salads, sandwiches, smoothies, snacks, pre-packaged meals, and unique beverages made with natural and organic ingredients with an emphasis on vegan options. Its first store was opened in 2008, and as a franchisee, you will benefit from a full training package delivered at an already-established location.

  1. Wholesome Tummies

Lease kitchen space. Your weekends free. Holidays off. Sounds too good to be true, doesn’t it? Not as a franchisee with Wholesome Tummies. You don’t need food experience to buy a franchise, you are provided extensive training and site assistance. You’ll get lead generation assistance, too, as well as approved recipes, ingredients, marketing, advertising, etc. A great package that allows you to deliver the mission of Wholesome Tummies – to offer building blocks of a lifetime of healthy eating by providing nutritious meals to children at school.

Which health food franchise is best for you?

I’ve only highlighted 10 of the health food franchises available to purchase in the United States today. There are hundreds more. Which franchise is best for you depends on many factors, which I will help you consider during a free franchise consultation.

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